
At Calvary Chapel we desire for every child to KNOW Jesus, LIVE for Jesus, and GO for Jesus by providing a safe environment where every child can learn who Jesus is and who God made them to be. Through high-energy worship, dynamic Bible teachings, and fun times with games and crafts, your child will leave knowing they are seen and loved by God.

Choose a Location


Melbourne Campus

Calvary Kids is available for our Sunday 9 & 11am and Wednesday 6:30pm services at the Melbourne Campus. Classes for all children preschool and older meet in the Kids' Building (K Building), with our infants and toddlers meeting in the A Building just off the Commons. No matter where you end up, one of our friendly volunteers will be happy to serve you and help you get your kids settled into the right classroom.

First time at Calvary Kids?

Stop by the Kids' Check-In Desk on the first floor of the Kids' Building or in the Commons so we can:

  • Walk you through the check-in process
  • Guide you to where you need to go

Important Things to Know

  • Classrooms are determined by birthday or grade.
  • Kids are dropped off and picked up in their classrooms by a parent or guardian
  • Hold onto the security tag(s) you receive at check-in because they will be needed to pick up your kid(s) after the service

Wednesday Nights

We always say Wednesday Nights are FAMILY NIGHTS because we believe in reaching every member of your family with relevant truth from God's Word. On Wednesdays from September through May, your child will experience BRITE* by AWANA as they travel through the Bible discovering truths that help them BELIEVE, BELONG, and BECOME disciples of Jesus. This free program provides online resources to parents for home discussion without the need to keep track of handbooks, uniforms, or awards, but still provides what we know and love from AWANA Clubs — connecting with other kids and our incredible volunteer leaders through games, themed fun nights, Bible lessons, Scripture memorization, worship, and so much more.

Sign Up for the Brite* Nites Family Email


Join the Calvary Kids Serve Team

God has given each of us spiritual gifts and a passion to use those gifts to serve God and the church. If you have a heart for raising up the next generation to be fearless for Jesus and enjoy having fun through worship, games, and Bible story-telling, then we invite you to come serve with Calvary Kids.

Choose an area to serve using your gifts, abilities, passions, and personality:

  • Welcome Team | serve before service to welcome families into the building and still be able to attend service
  • Service Ready Team | serve before or after service to prep rooms and prepare the environment to welcome families
  • Group Assistant | support the discipleship of all kids who attend with loving observation and participation in the service time activities
  • Group Leader | if you are able to lovingly lead the schedule and team within a group, facilitate conversation, and connect with adults, teens, and kids, consider growing your abilities here
Join the Calvary Kids Serve Team


Have questions or want to get more info before showing up? We'd love to chat with you! You can send an email to our Melbourne Calvary Kids' Leader by using the button below.

Viera Campus

Calvary Kids is available for our Sunday 9 & 11am and Wednesday 6:30pm services at the Viera Campus. Classes for all children from newborn to preschool meet on the first floor with all older children meeting on the second floor. No matter where you end up, one of our friendly volunteers will be happy to serve you and help you get your kids settled into the right classroom.

First time at Calvary Kids?

Stop by the Kids' Check-In Desk when you enter the Commons:

  • Walk you through the check-in process
  • Guide you to where you need to go

Important Things to Know

  • Classrooms are determined by birthday or grade.
  • Kids are dropped off and picked up in their classrooms by a parent or guardian
  • Hold onto the security tag(s) you receive at check-in because they will be needed to pick up your kid(s) after the service

Wednesday Nights

AWANA is a worldwide program for all kids 2 years through 4th grade that focuses on Scripture knowledge and use, understanding God's creation, creativity, and how He shares His love all over the world. Each week in September through May, your kids will have the opportunity to have fun with other kids and incredible volunteer leaders through games, themed fun nights, Bible lessons, Scripture memorization, worship, and so much more. 5th & 6th graders will enjoy a night made just for them with a curriculum designed to meet them where they're at as they learn what it means to live like Jesus.

Register for AWANA


Join the Calvary Kids Serve Team

God has given each of us spiritual gifts and a passion to use those gifts to serve God and the church. If you have a heart for raising up the next generation to be fearless for Jesus and enjoy having fun through worship, games, and Bible story-telling, then we invite you to come serve with Calvary Kids.

Join the Calvary Kids Serve Team


Have questions or want to get more info before showing up? We'd love to chat with you! You can send an email to our Viera Calvary Kids' Leader by using the button below.

Sebastian Campus

Calvary Kids is available for ages 5 and under at our Sunday 9am service and for all ages at our Sunday 11am and Wednesday 6:30pm services at the Sebastian Campus. We have age-appropriate classes to provide your child with the best experience possible.

First time at Calvary Kids?

Stop by the Kids' Check-In Station to the left when you enter the Commons:

  • Walk you through the check-in process
  • Guide you to where you need to go

Important Things to Know

  • Classrooms are determined by birthday or grade.
  • Kids are dropped off and picked up in their classrooms by a parent or guardian
  • Hold onto the security tag(s) you receive at check-in because they will be needed to pick up your kid(s) after the service

Join the Calvary Kids Serve Team

God has given each of us spiritual gifts and a passion to use those gifts to serve God and the church. If you have a heart for raising up the next generation to be fearless for Jesus and enjoy having fun through worship, games, and Bible story-telling, then we invite you to come serve with Calvary Kids.

Join the Calvary Kids Serve Team


Have questions or want to get more info before showing up? We'd love to chat with you! You can send an email to our Sebastian Calvary Kids' Leader by using the button below.

Campus de Español

Calvary Kids está disponible en inglés para nuestros servicios Dominigos a las 11am y Miércoles a las 6:30pm en el Campus de Español. Las clases para todos los niños en edad preescolar y mayores se reúnen en el Edificio para niños (Edificio K), y nuestros bebés y niños pequeños se reúnen en el Edificio A justo al lado de Commons. No importa dónde sea ubicado, uno de nuestros amables voluntarios estará encantado de atenderlo y ayudarlo a que sus hijos se instalen en el salón de clases adecuado.

¿Primera vez en Calvary Kids?

Pase por el mostrador de check-in para niños y siga a la izquierda cuando ingrese a Commons:

  • Guiarlo a través del proceso de registro
  • Guiarlo a donde necesita ir

Cosas Importantes que Debe Saber

  • Las aulas se determinan por cumpleaños o grado
  • Los niños son dejados y recogidos en sus aulas por un padre o tutor
  • Conserve la(s) etiqueta(s) de seguridad que recibe en el check-in porque las necesitará para recoger a su(s) hijo(s) después del servicio

Miércoles por la Noche

Siempre decimos que los miércoles por la noche son NOCHES FAMILIARES porque creemos en llegar a cada miembro de su familia con la verdad relevante de la Palabra de Dios. Los miércoles de septiembre a mayo, su hijo está invitado a unirse a Melbourne Calvary Kids para experimentar BRITE* de AWANA mientras viajan a través de la Biblia y descubren verdades que los ayudan a CREER, PERTENECER y CONVERTIRSE en discípulos de Jesús. Este programa gratuito brinda recursos en línea a los padres para que los padres discutan en casa sin la necesidad de hacer un seguimiento de los manuales, uniformes o premios, pero aun así brinda lo que conocemos y amamos de los Clubes AWANA: conectarse con otros niños y nuestros increíbles líderes voluntarios a través de juegos, temas noches divertidas, lecciones bíblicas, memorización de las Escrituras, adoración y mucho más.

¿Tiene preguntas o desea obtener más información antes de presentarse? ¡Nos encantaría charlar contigo! Puede enviar un correo electrónico a nuestro líder de Calvary Kids de Español usando el botón a continuación.

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