
Our God is generous, and as His children, we are called to imitate Him. When we're generous, we not only demonstrate God's generosity, but our faith grows, and our trust in God as our Provider deepens. Giving starts with the heart. The Bible says that we aren't to give reluctantly or under compulsion, but we're to give cheerfully and willingly. Our first gifts should always be to return to God what He's generously given to us, this is our tithe. Everything we have is God's, so why not show our thankfulness and return our first fruits to Him?

Generously give to work in the church with your tithes.

  • Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

  • - 2 Corinthians 9:7
Above and beyond our tithe, we can continue to be generous with what God's entrusted us with by donating to a mission trip, missionaries, and local organizations. Giving goes beyond just our tithes and offerings extending to how we give of our time and talents. It can be as simple as giving extra time to a ministry or donating to a fundraiser. Pray and ask God to show you where He would have you give of your time, talents, and possessions.
Missionaries & Mission Trips

Lovingly give to one of our missionaries or upcoming mission trips.

Local Outreach

Generously give of your time to various outreaches within our community.

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Use the talents that God has given you to serve within the church.

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Legacy Giving

Gifts can be given now or set-up to be given after your departure for heaven.

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